Knife + Pen

just8project day 26

In Uncategorized on August 27, 2010 at 3:36 pm

Only a few days left and although we are winding down, the Just August Project finally has legs. Tired, and only mildly grumpy we all finally have a rhythm, synched to the words of every single one of the 150 songs from Seth’s restaurant play list. I think we will miss them.

JUST 8 project day 25

In Uncategorized on August 26, 2010 at 3:52 pm

Slip into your favorite pig t-shirt and watch the deconstruction of pig head into head cheese! Everyone at the house was both excited and honored to host our giant pig and watch as he was transformed into a delicious delicacy. For the first few days of his residency, the pig would surprise you as you were making morning coffee, as he lay in a giant roasting pan or watch you from his elevated post in the living room as you went to search for missing car keys.  A little eerie, it was still a great reminder of why it is important to get to  know both the product and the source of where each component of a meal is coming from, for better or worse.

Day 18 to 19

In Uncategorized on August 20, 2010 at 7:09 pm